Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Chuck 416 Review- Movin' Out (Morgan's Song)

Morgan- "I don't know. I gotta finish packing up and then I'm gonna head out that door dude, and I'm just gonna open myself up to the universe.'
Chuck- "So, moving to your mom's?"
Morgan- "Yeah. Yeah, pretty much straight over."
It was a week late for its Valentine's Day theme, but "Chuck Versus the Masquarade" had enough going for that I was able to look past that. This was the third straight quality standalone episode, but it also delivered the possibility of more involved arc: dealing with the daughter of Alexei Volkoff.

Vivian is the heir to the Volkoff empire, but what will that mean moving forward? Will she be the next big bad? Or will she actually assist Team Bartowski? Maybe this leads to a reunion between Daddy and Daughter Volkoff by the end of the season. I definitely won't complain about a return of Timothy Dalton.

It had long-term implications, but "Chuck Versus the Masquerade" also worked quite well on its own. Put on your lingerie with wings and then we can take a look at how the Chuck Triple Threat played out...
To read the rest of my review of last night's Chuck, head over to TV Fanatic.

Chuck 416 - "Chuck Versus the Masquerade"
Round Table

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