Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Justified 309 Review- Mine Your Business

Boyd- "Well Mr. Napier I'd like to think that if I was behind an attempt on your life, at the very least I would've messed up your hair."
Since there were so many interesting and entertaining events during "Loose Ends," I was surprised at my own reaction when it ended.  I wasn't amazed, which has been my feeling following a number of Justified episodes during this middle stretch of the third season.

It's been great, but during the majority of season two and the first three or four episodes this year, Justified was indescribably awesome.  That level of quality is hard to achieve in back to back seasons.

"Loose Ends" was very good though.  Ava's rise, Boyd's speech, everything to do with the land mine, and Raylan wrestling with Limehouse about Quarles were all fantastic in their own right, but it seemed more like an episode that was setting the scene for episodes down the road than an hour of pure entertainment in and of itself.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Ava's rise to power has been brewing for quite some time now.  Ever since she decided that she was okay with Boyd's ways, and we could tell she was willing to get involved herself, it was obvious that at some point she would take an even larger role in the criminal activity.
To read the rest of my review of last night's Justified, head over to TV Fanatic.

Justified 309 - "Loose Ends"

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