Monday, September 6, 2010

Mad Men Review- Two Is Company

Spoiler alert...Below are some thoughts on last night's episode of Mad Men, 'The Suitcase'. So watch the ep, solve the problem with a flask, then read what I had to say.

Don: It's your job. I give you money. You give me ideas.
Peggy: But you never thank me.
Don: That's what the money is for!

Although most of the time I disagree with what everyone else thinks about an episode, this week I'm on board with everyone who thought Mad Men was fantastic. This was my favorite episode of the season, which proves once again that I no longer hate Peggy Olsen. Both Elizabeth Moss and Jon Hamm gave stellar performances that should be unrivaled come next year's Emmys. The yelling match alone, between the two characters, was enough to make this episode great. I reviewed 'The Suitcase' over at TV Fanatic last night and you can check out the rest of my thoughts there.

On last week's podcast of Talking TV With Ryan and Ryan, one of the two Ryans, or maybe James Poniewozik, said that Mad Men is one of the funniest shows on television. While that is a completely ridiculous statement, it doesn't have its moments. Any drunk Don laughter gets me to laugh right away. This week it happened when he was listening to tape four of Roger's memoirs, Sterling's Gold. "Sometime in the summer of ' 1939." Don can't get enough of it, and frankly, neither can I. More memoirs!

By the end of the ep, Don seems to come out of his at least five month drunken stooper. Hopefully the final six episodes will have him fully revive himself and do something great with SCDP.

Mad Men 407 - 'The Suitcase'

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