Friday, December 3, 2010

The Office 710 Review- A Little Chinese

Jim- "He really does fit that old stereotype of the smug gay Mexican."
The Office continued its stellar season this week with an episode devoted to the brilliance of Michael Scott. On most occasions, I'd be referring to Michael's ability to make me laugh, but "China" actually gave us insight into how Michael's intelligence can turn the wheels of the Dunder Mifflin crew.

While reading a single fact about China in a magazine, and reporting it correctly to the office, doesn't make you a genius, Michael did make Oscar look dumb in the process. As a result, the rest of the Dunder Mifflin guys got behind their boss this week. If my favorite thing for Jim to do is prank Dwight, my second favorite is when he backs Michael.
To read the rest of my review on last night's episode of The Office, head over to TV Fanatic.

The Office 710 - "China"

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