Monday, August 30, 2010

Mad Men Review- Win or Lose, We Drink

Roger and Don living the life

Spoiler alert...Below are some thoughts on last night's episode of Mad Men, 'Waldorf Stories'. So watch the ep, find the cure for the common breakfast, then read what I had to say.

Roger: That don't seem to give awards for what I do.
Joan: And what is that?
Roger: Find guys like him.

Hopefully I will be writing about last night's Emmys, but I'll take a moment here to congratulate Mad Men on its third straight honor for Best Drama Series. I would've voted it fourth in the category, but it's definitely worth of a win. Three in a row? Absolutely not. But in any given year? Sure.

Last night, over at TV Fanatic, I reviewed the sixth episode of Mad Men's fourth season, 'Waldorf Stories'. Filled with flashbacks and black outs, it was a great episode. Don won an award for Glo-Coat and decided to drink the entire weekend. Seriously, he was worse than Mags on any given weekend. He literally didn't remember a single thing from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. Pretty impressive stuff.

Roger continues to be the best source of comedy on the show, but I'm worried about him. Pretty soon he's going to be the next Bert Cooper. Time is passing him by and it seems like he will soon be unnecessary at SCDP. He deserves better than that.

If you're interested in hearing more of my thoughts from this episode, head over to TV Fanatic to read my review.

Mad Men 406 - 'Waldorf Stories'

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