Monday, August 2, 2010

Hung Review- I Put My Weed In There

Patty: This one time I was on a diet pill and I stayed up for 67 hours... I lost three pounds.

Hung has come to a pretty big catch 22 for me. The show really needs to be an hour per episode, because hardly anything ever happens from week to week. Having said that, I am usually disinterested in whatever is going on, so another half hour per week would probably be pretty dreadful.

This morning, over at TV Fanatic, I wrote up a review on the fifth episode of the second season, 'A Man, A Plan.' Again, nothing much of note happened. The show finally has decided to explore its minor characters. Last week it was Ray's son Damon, who got a bunch more screen time this week, and last night it was Ray's assistant coach, Mike Hunt. Yes, you read that name correctly. It's no wonder that a show that is this blatantly obvious in its sexual nature would randomly name one of its characters that.

And now for some good news. There are only five episodes left in the season! This fall I will be reviewing The Office and 30 Rock at TV Fanatic, so there is something else to look forward to. But for now, just head over and read my review and comment on how terrible this show is.

Hung 205- 'A Man, A Plan'

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