Monday, August 16, 2010

Mad Men Review- Pegging A Winner

Spoiler alert...Below are some thoughts on last night's episode of Mad Men, 'The Rejected'. So watch the ep, get choose to rent rather than own, then read what I had to say.

Cosgrove- "My mother was a nurse at the state hospital in Vermont, and that was the last time I saw so many retarded people in one building."

Last night, over at TV Fanatic, I reviewed the fourth episode of Mad Men's fourth season, 'The Rejected'. The thing about my reviewing at the website is that I don't feel like I have the space or time to just give my opinions on characters. There's also the fact that I don't feel comfortable just hating on people in such a public forum.

Normally, I would love to hate on Peggy Olsen, but recently she has been turning things around. This week was my favorite Peggy episode of all time. She's slowly becoming someone she never was before. That person is now kind of enjoyable. She smart, smarmy, and like her new friend Joyce, a bit pretentious. The quiet girl of the early seasons was boring. The girl that thought she was more important than she was of last season was annoying. But this Peggy, that is at the top of her game, both at work and socially, has me not wanting to change the channel when she's on screen.

I never thought I'd see the day. So if you want to read a bit more about the things Peggy did this week to give me enjoyment, go to my review at TV Fanatic. If you don't well then just go back to google reader and see what the next article is about.

Mad Men 404- 'The Rejected'

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