Monday, August 16, 2010

Hung Review- Keeping Things Trim

This morning, over at TV Fanatic, I reviewed the seventh episode of Hung's second season, 'The Middle East Is Complicated'. After asking for suggestions on how to improve my reviews over there, the boss man told me to not explain as much of the action of the episode. Well thank you! That is something I do a lot less of over here at Quiet Pool. I thought that explaining a bit of what happened might be something I needed to do more of at place like that.

My blog over here at the the Pool is just my thoughts, so I don't care if my readers know what happened during the episode. I know which of my eight readers watch the show I'm posting about, so I know some of them can jump right in to my post, and some of them can skip right over it. At TV Fanatic I thought I would take a more broad approach by doing a bit more explanation. I guess I was wrong in my assumption, and will try to keep my reviews to mostly opinion from this point forward.

Anyway, another week of Hung came and went. This week's was full of gratuitous nudity and swearing, so if you're into that you should watch the ep. If you're not, you should read my review, or just click on the link so I get more page views.

Hung 207- 'The Middle East Is Complicated'

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