Thursday, August 12, 2010

Big Brother- My Big Dumb Ex-Fiance

Spoiler alert...Below are some thoughts on the fifth week of Big Brother. So watch the eps, pronounce it 'Neandrah-tall, then read what I had to say.

Brendon's Ex-Fiancée's Mom- "When my family and I sit there and watch the show, we are so grateful that she didn't marry him."

It wasn't my plan to write about Brendon and Rachel again this week, but with ammo like this how can I not? They just create too much entertainment with their stupidity. You really can't beat the fact that Brendon had a fiancée that dumped him because he was an "emotional roller coaster." I also loved that she pointed out that he's using all the same lines on Rachel as he did on her. I mean I can't blame him, there are only so many things to say in this world, but he is going feel like a complete idiot when he watches the season back this fall.

Seriously what is wrong with this guy? You come on Big Brother for one of two reasons. To win $500,000 or to get your face out there and look really cool on national television. Brendon, apparently, didn't want to do either of these things. With how lame he has acted he couldn't have wanted to look cool in front of America, and now he sabotages himself to try and let Rachel get further in the game? What? He asked the viewers if we thought he was an idiot for giving up half a million dollars for someone you love. My quick answer is no. I don't have a problem with that. He's an idiot for loving this train wreck of skank in Rachel. She is the absolute worst.

Even more on the gruesome twosome. Brendon really reminds of Big Kat Will Kieffer in his somber moments. As he loafed around after losing the HoH at the beginning of the week, I thought I was watching a depressed Kitty Kat on a Saturday night at VC. After his Big Kate impression he went into LeBrick mode to end the week, as he promised to get revenge on everyone who was mean to Rachel in his farewell message. He was taking notes people.

I had two favorite, and most thought provoking, Rachel comments of the week. The first was when she asked "how did the scrawniest, weaseliest dude in the house win another endurance competition?!?" Well you see Miss Hair Extensions, the little skinny guys always win these challenges...have you not seen the show before? The endurance comps are about strength, they're about staying up the longest, and when you're 250 pounds, that's difficult.

She then complained that Brendon didn't compete for her in the HoH comp. She said that when he needed her to step up, she did...twice. No! You won a couple of guessing games. They weren't endurance comps. They weren't strength comps. They were even intelligence comps. They were hitting a buzzer and guessing in a one out of three fashion. You are just as terrible as he is!

Well on the positive side of things, the Brigade is in really good shape at this point. It's very surprising that they've made it this far without getting outed. They are now four against four in this house, and two out of the other four are to some extent pawns in their game. Matt is in so good with Ragen that Rachel and Brendon thought they were in an alliance. Britney, although is a bit of a wildcard, feels she's really tight with Lane. as long as there are no hiccups, they are on their way to being the final four.

If I'm one of them though, I make a move to get rid of one or two of the others. I'd say Enzo and Lane are probably worse than the other two at comps, so I immediately try to maneuver a way to get one of the other Brigaders out of the house. You can't chance yourself getting to the final four and then just losing out against your teammates. If Matt thinks he's the first of the four to get booted, I'd try to end up with Kathy and Ragen at the end. You gotta think about all of your plays at this point.

We shall see. If I were to predict at this point, I'd say Enzo or Lane win this whole thing. They haven't made as many enemies as Matt or Hayden, so they have a better chance at the final vote. One of them is bound to get there.

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