Friday, November 19, 2010

The Office 709 Review- The Say Hay Kid

Dwight- "Everyone follow me to the shelter. We have enough food for 14 days. After that, we have a very difficult conversation."
Over the first couple seasons of The Office, Ryan Howard was a killjoy, set on the straight and narrow, trying to honestly better himself.

He wanted to legitimately make his way up in the world of business. I didn't like that Ryan. But after he earned a top position at Dunder Mifflin corporate, and subsequently got messed up on drugs and got fired, he became one of my favorite characters on the show.

This week's "" focused mainly on the eccentric Ryan that wants to make a lot of money quickly, not caring how he does it. The A Story, which featured Ryan pitching his "WUPHF" marketing plan to the office would have been enough to make this episode enjoyable.
To read the rest of my review, head over to TV Fanatic.

The Office 709 - ""

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