Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Chuck 405 Review- Casey's Eugoogly

Morgan: Don't you worry about a thing. I am gonna eulogize the hell out of you buddy.

My review of last night's Chuck, "Chuck vs. the Couch Lock", is live over at TV Fanatic. It was a fantastic episode, I mean I don't give out Five Star Reviews for nothing.  Some of what I wrote had to be edited out because it was too focused on my anger towards Ryan McGee's comments on this season during one of his Talking TV With Ryan and Ryan Podcasts. Some of my feelings on the subject are below...
One of my favorite fellow reviewers of Chuck is Ryan McGee. On his podcast with Mo Ryan last week, McGee explained that he was disappointed with the start to this season of Chuck. While I disagreed with almost all of his reasons for why it wasn't up to snuff, I could agree that it wasn't quite reaching the standards set by the past couple of seasons. This week's "Chuck vs. the Couch Lock" was sure to change any doubters mind.

One of McGee's main problems with the show was that it "doesn't do spy nearly as well as it thinks it does." He references a couple of weeks ago when Chuck and Sarah saved the day with a Dr. Phil-esque intervention, and states that "that's not what the show has been." As much as I respect his opinion, I have to counter with THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THIS SHOW IS ABOUT.

One of the great things about Chuck has always been its ability to take some of the most serious spy situations, and turn them into complete jokes. Doing spy well doesn't necessarily mean it's by the book, or completely serious. Chuck is somewhat of a farce. Sure it has plenty of moments of true sincerity, but at it's core this is a comedy. And it uses it's action sequences as comedic moments as well.
Chuck 405 - "Chuck vs. the Couch Lock"
Round Table

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