Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Covert Affairs 206 Review- On The Border

Annie- "It's rude to not eat what you're served."
Reva- "Well I wouldn't want to be rude to our kidnappers."
For the first time this season, an episode of Covert Affairs left me wanting a lot more. "The Outsiders" had its entertaining moments, but there were definitely more aspects that didn't work than those that did.

The problems have to begin with the utter lack of Peter Gallagher. I'm aware that every character isn't going to be able to be fit in every week, but I will complain week in and week out when Sandy Cohen fails to make it on screen.

The complications continued with the strange realignment of personnel. Auggie was back in his comfort zone, but Reva - still being in the department and out in the field no less - continued to throw me. At the end of last episode, it seemed like she was going to head back to where she came from, but "The Outsiders" began with her out with Annie. Why was there hardly an explanation for why she was still working with them?

I understand that Jaimie Alexander was probably paid to do a couple episodes, but that's no excuse from a storytelling perspective. Why they would send such a newbie into the field didn't make much sense. Granted, it wasn't supposed to be as challenging a mission as it turned out to be, but let's take a few more precautions here. This is the CIA.
To read the rest of my review of last night's Cover Affairs, head over to TV Fanatic.

Covert Affairs 206 - "The Outsiders"

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