Monday, December 8, 2008

Best Christmas Movies 1 and 2

2. Jingle All the Way- It is definitely Turbo Time year round at my house. Just the other day I was at the mall and all of the stores were out of Turbo Man, thankfully there were plenty of Turbo Man's faithful sidekick, Booster. Jingle All the Way is the story of a terrible Dad that is trying to do one thing right in his life and get his son the toy that he so desperately wants. Although Sinbad isn't up to par with his performance from Houseguest, Phil Hartman is so it's okay. Arnold really should've done some more comedy before getting into politics, cause this was a gem. Little Anikan Skywalker also puts forth a quality performance (all I need to see is his enjoyment of Turbo Man cereal). Bomb (movie game) all-star EJ De La Pena is great as Anikan's best friend and steals the show with "Dad, why do you smell like barf?"

1. Home Alone 2- So maybe I'm out of the loop on this one, but I thought it was common knowledge that Home Alone 2 was better than Home Alone. I've been told recently that it isn't true that everyone in the world likes 2 better than 1. Hmm, I put a poll on the right to see what other people think (although it might end with three total votes). I'm pretty sure it's similar to the Mighty Ducks situation in which D2 is definitely better than 1. Both Home Alone and Mighty Ducks are good but aren't nearly as good as the sequels. TMNT is a completely different story. Although I enjoy Secret of the Ooze more than the original TMNT, I can definitely see how some would like the first better. With Home Alone I can't see how you could like 1 more than 2. Kevin is better, Marv is better, the auxiliary characters are better (Rob Schneider, Tim Curry), the location is better (New York at Christmas time, c'mon). As I am writing this, I have realized that the Bird Lady might be the sole reason for someone liking 1 better than 2. If this is the case for you, I can respect that. She is the worst. To end I will leave you with this. "Merry Christmas Harry." "Happy Hannakah Marv." Classic.

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