First off the dude had five letters...R N A F Z...maybe it is because I watched Dana Carvey and Kevin Nealon on Saturday Night Live, or because my dad watched a lot of NYPD Blue when I was a kid, but when I saw those letters, FRANZ was the only think I could see (and I could see it right away). Ok so maybe he wasn't a fan and he couldn't understand that it was that easy, but still there are only so many combinations of letters. So he had been working on it for two hours or so, beside himself with how long it had taken him, and one of the gay brothers finally figures it out. He leaves Big Easy with the fact that it starts with an F. Now he only has four letters to figure out what the answer is, R N A Z. After what the editing made it seem was only a half hour or hour later, he decides to give up and take a FOUR HOUR PENALTY!!!! Are you kidding me?!?! Keep guessing! Sooner or later you SHOULD come up with the right combination of letters to get FRANZ. But no, Big Easy tells Flight Time that he decided to take the penalty and wait the four hours to continue to the next challenge even though he knew they were currently in last place. Flight Time didn't complain about this idea. He encouraged his partner and they went forward with a positive outlook. You gotta be kidding me. These guys, as fun as they were to watch at times, did not deserve to win this thing.