Last year's Noah Hunter Award was a two-man Entourage race. This year I've moved Johnny Drama up to main character status so Ari Gold is the front-runner for the 2010 honor. Of the guys I have definitely accepting a nomination to challenge Ari, I personally like Mark Sloan the best, but think Landry Clarke has the best chance based on how many voters watch FNL. Although, Grey's has gotten so much worse over the years, Sloan has been one of the few bright spots.
DefinitesAri Gold- Entourage
Dale Kettlewell- Greek
Landry Clarke- Friday Night Lights
Mark Sloan- Grey’s Anatomy
Nate Archibald- Gossip Girl
Roger Sterling- Mad Men

As they say in whist (after you win the second trick and have nothing to lead with)...
Here's where it gets tricky. I've placed Bored to Death in the drama category, but I'm still thinking about putting it in comedy. I know it is a comedy, but so is Entourage. Ted Danson's George Christopher is almost guaranteed a spot, but not quite. Teddy Montgomery is in unless he continues to use terrible dialogue with the surfer chick week after week. Dan Scott and Puck are the two closes to the edge here. If somebody from FNL steps it up, one of them might lose out.
In For NowDan Scott- One Tree Hill
George Christopher- Bored to Death
Noah Puckerman- Glee
Teddy Montgomery- 90210

Now for those that are close but not quite in as of now. Is this a stacked category? I love some of these dudes. Jamie Scott has gone down hill since his first arrival in Tree Hill (he also got kinda fat...what's that about). Clay is a new arrival, but been good so far. The Beav gets so little screen time at the Kappa Tau house that it's tough to make an impact. And again, I'm assuming one of the dudes from Dillon is gonna step his game up and get a nomination.
Outside Looking InBeaver- Greek
Buddy Garrity- Friday Night Lights
Clayton Dawson- One Tree Hill
Evan Chambers- Greek
Jamie Scott- One Tree Hill
JD McCoy- Friday Night Lights
Vince/Luke- Friday Night Lights
Who else deserves some love?
based on the first episode, 2 from the prisoner should be a contender