With many of the action shows yet to begin this season, and last year's winner most likely in prison for a long time (Tony Almeida), The Titus Pullo Award (Best Supporting Character in an Action Series) seems to be up for grabs. I currently have Gabriel Sylar and Ben Linus at the top of the heap. Although Heroes has gone way down hill, Sylar's character is still fantastic week in and week out. And then with Linus, I don't know whether he will be here or in lead character this season, but either way he'll be a front runner.
Top of the HeapBen Linus- Lost
Gabriel Sylar- Heroes
Next we have four guys currently receiving nominations that we have seen already this season. Eric of True Blood and Cho of Mentalist had and are having a great second season and I am pretty confident in them getting nods come June. Lafayette and Wilson are on thin ice depending on what others bring to the table in 2010.
Those We've SeenEric Northman- True Blood
James Wilson- House
Kimball Cho- The Mentalist
Lafayette Reynolds- True Blood

Now we have four dudes that have yet to come on screen this season, but are currently occupying spaces based on previous performances. Captain Awesome and Lester of Chuck have proven to be great comedy, while Desmond and Richard Alpert of Lost make the list for many other reasons. The problem with these two, as with many Lost characters, is that I have no idea how much screen time they will get in the final season. Richard has been lacking in that area most of the time, but I feel we need to hear more of his story this year, and that it will be sweet.
Yet to ComeDesmond Hume- Lost
Devon Woodcomb- Chuck
Lestr Patel- Chuck
Richard Alpert- Lost

There are plenty of worthy characters waiting to grab a spot. There is also the 24 wildcard, since they have so many new characters from year to year. And if Jacob sees any kind of a larger role in Lost, he could have the potential to jump up (that is if he isn't also dead). Also there is the slight chance that I catch up on Sons of Anarchy and they have anyone worth while in the category.
Outside Looking InAndy Bellefleur- True Blood
Big Mike- Chuck
Jeff Barnes- Chuck
Sam Sullivan- Heroes
Stan Wedeck- Flash Forward
Steve Newlan- True Blood
Wayne Rigsby- The Mentalist
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