On the flip side, I loved Liz's quote mid-ep of "All anyone wants is to sit in peace and eat a sandwich." As believable as that sounds, I'm assuming JJ was screaming at the television when she said it. You see JJ hates sandwiches. One of the many arguments during our Florida trip this summer had to do with this fact. I argued the point that JJ merely hated cold cuts, because technically hamburgers are sandwiches. And he agreed that he didn't have a problem with other meats on certain rolls. These are all sandwiches, just because they don't have cold cuts doesn't mean they aren't still sandwiches.
Great cameo by my man Jimmy Fallon this week. I used to hate this guy on Saturday Night Live, but ever since he started his late night show, I've started to love him. I enjoyed him here tonight, even though he wasn't funny at all.
The League

So I take back a lot of the stuff I said about The Hangover. Don't get me wrong, it still is very overrated and not really that funny, but I understand why a lot of people thought it was now. Seeing something that is extremely similar to your life DOES improve it immensely. Although many of the jokes didn't really land in this pilot, the fact that they dealt with fantasy football made them much more enjoyable for me.
Many of the little fantasy draft jokes were great, notably the dude mispronouncing Darren Sproleeeese, and the other dude picking Keyshawn Johnson (Keyshawn on the board!). But there were two moments that were actually very funny.
The first was when the commissioner made it so a potato sack race by some kids would determine the draft order. As the one guy's little kid crossed the finish line, he picked her up and started screaming to the heavens "Adrian Peterson! First pick of the draft!! I love this kid!" The next moment was when that same guy and the one who's wife is in charge of his team settle on a draft pick swap. Both being lawyers, they're with the criminal in holding. The prosecutor goes, "Your client is going to be spending the next ten years behind bars, unless we swap picks." The defense attorney proclaims to his concerned defendant, "You're going to jail for five years, and I just lost Adrian Peterson."
A couple quick notes...Abed's Batman was incredible, especially with the way they ended the ep. Also I bet T-time was loving the Beastmaster shout out.