As Lar pointed out, and I completely agreed with, the worst part about it was their was not enough dialog or down time. It was all action, all the time. Don't get me wrong, it definitely wasn't on the level of Blade Runner bad.

As a movie on its own it wasn't that great, but as a continuation of the Terminator series I think it fulfilled a need. If you are a fan of the series you will have more of an opportunity to really enjoy Salvation, especially because of the classic lines that pop up. Such as when teenage Kyle Reese (left) says to Marcus Wright, "Come with me if you want to live." Or when old John Connor heads out to SkyNet to save Kyle and is asked what they should tell the people. He says to tell them, "I'll be back."
I definitely can see why James Cameron stopped after two, because the first two Terminators had such clever ideas to them. He could just build great stories around the simple yet complex themes of T1 and T2. If you're going to make a movie post judgement day it's gonna have to be a war movie, and that's just not as interesting as the stories of the first two films.
Major issue. How come in Salvation you can kill a terminator by simply shooting them in the head, as John did a few times? Wasn't it really hard to kill one and the other movies (I never saw T3) and in tv series? You had to melt them, crush the whole ske

This last problem I have is mostly for T2 but also works for a problem with Salvation. SkyNet sent back two Terminators to kill Sarah Connor in T1 and John Connor in T2. Why on earth would they send back a T101 (Arnold) to one place and use the much better, T1000 (right), at the other place? They are sending them back at the same time (2029 I believe), why wouldn't they send back their most advanced Terminator to both places? Ooohhh, because we didn't have the technology as film makers to do the liquid metal thing in 1984? Now I see. Not good enough. Should have though of that ahead of time.
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