Rank. Show- Total Points...(My Rank)
10th. Greek- 0 points
9th. Rules of Engagement- 2 points
8th. My Name Is Earl- 2 points
7th. Flight of the Conchords- 4 points...(4th)
6th. Gary Unmarried- 5 points
5th. Eastbound & Down- 5 points...(5th)
4th. Family Guy- 7 points
3rd. Curb Your Enthusiasm- 26 points...(3rd)
2nd. 30 Rock- 30 points...(1st)
The Poolie Goes To
1st. The Office- 32 points...(2nd)

This past season of The Office has been even better than you remember it. There have been many shake ups over these 25 episodes, and the laughs came steadily. Just think about the starting point (this is all from the first double episode): Andy was still engrossing himself with wedding plans, ignorant of Dwight and Angela's affair; Michael had just met his soul mate in Holly; Pam had just left for art school leaving Jim to fend for himself solo in the office (they got engaged in the rain), Kelly was dating Darryl largely to make Ryan (in secretary mode) jealous and Phyllis had just taken the reins of the Party Planning Committee in a blackmailing power play over the two-timing Angela.
Here are some of the Greatest Hits from what may be the best season of The Office: -Holly thinks Kevin is retarded
-Toby is hospitalized with a broken neck in Costa Rica
-Dwight gives birth to a watermelon to prepare Michael for Jan's baby
-Dwight tests the durability of Jan's baby's stroller with said watermelon
-Michael tries to sing the blues with Darryl on the 7 hour goodbye trip in honor of Holly -Andy and Dwight compete over who loves Cornell more
-Andy and Oscar bond in Winnipeg
-Kelly dumps Darryl via text message for Ryan, Darryl is overjoyed
-Micheal screams "NOOOOO" when Toby returns as HR

-Dwight tricks Angela into marrying him in a Schrute Farm test run wedding
-Dwight sells Princess Unicorn dolls during the Christmas rush, Toby buys one from Darryl for $400 only to find out it is black...http://www.princessunicorndoll.com/
-Andy pins Dwight to the bushes in his Prius after finally finding out about the affair
-Dwight stages a fire drill causing Stanley to have a heart attack
-The Michael Scott Roast hurts Michael's feelings, he reflects in the park throwing whole pieces of bread at pigeons
-Michael flubs his lecture to Karen's Utica branch: "I have an amazing mnemonic device, by which I have memorized all of your names. Shirty, mole, lazy eye, Mexico, baldy, sugar boobs, black woman."
-In Nashua, Holly's branch, Michael calls out Holly's new boyfriend AJ and leaves in a huff. Pam takes over and throws chocolate bars at the staff.
-Michael hides 5 golden tickets in one batch of paper for one client, threatening the branch's survival.
-Michael and Pam leave to form the Michael Scott Paper Company. The clueless Charles Miner makes Kevin receptionist and Stanley "Productivity Czar"
-Michael prolongs breakfast with Pam as he has no idea how to start his new business
-Charles asks Jim for a "rundown"
-Dwight mentions a major client's gay son to poor results after trying to use Michael's screwy rolodex color codes -Dwight embarrasses Charles in a meeting with David, repeatedly pushing an idea involving a hive of bees to solve their client losses to Michael Scott Paper Company
-Meredith flashes on Casual Friday
-Michael fake fires Pam, then fake fires Erin
-Cafe Disco Dance Off
-Michael and Holly are reunited (the sparks are intact) at the company picnic where they perform "Slum-Dunder Mifflinaire", causing unrest when they prematurely reveal the closing of the Buffalo branch
-Pam is implied to be preggers
With all that said, The Office was an easy winner for our Inaugural Seinfeld Award. A really impressive season.
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