So this was rock week on American Idol. Because Slash was their mentor they had to do crazy hard rock songs? Or is that just what the producers made the contestants choose so that they could eliminate Kris or Danny? Either way this was one of the worst weeks of Idol in a long time. I like all three of the guys left but none of them impressed me tonight. At this point in the competition we should be getting to weeks like; Contestant chooses one, judges choose one. Let them be who they are, don't make Gokes sing Dream On, and force Kris to give Come Together a heavier edge. Oh wait they chose to do those things? Yikes.
The Duets
Danny and Kris- (Renegade/Styx)
Adam and Allison- (Slow Ride/Foghat)
For the first time in Idol finals history, they did duets during performance night. I think it was a nice touch, if only because it was better than them only doing one song each. Because God forbid we get rid of all the warmup videos and get eight full performances in.
I feel Danny and Kris's duet was better. Adam's fantastic work on Slow Ride couldn't make up for how much I wanted to kill myself listening to Allison interrupting him with her one note singing. I completely agreed with what Randy said after Kris and Gokes performed. Their voices sounded so good together. When they sung their own parts Danny was much better.
Eliminate Her
Allison Iraheta- (Cry Baby/Janis Joplin) This may be bias at this point, but I can't stand when she sings anymore. Maybe it's her ridiculously horrible personality or that she only sings one note every time on stage, but she is just the worst. I feel like I'm watching Amanda Overmyer over here. Not to mention that this was a really bad song choice. Cryyyy babyyyyyy, almost made me wanna cry.
Just Not Good Tonight
Kris Allen- (Come Together/The Beatles) So although I like this a bit more than the Gokes' performance, Danny was much better than him during the duet so I'm putting Kris in the three hole. I liked the small changes he made to the song, especially when he almost brought it to a hault a little more than halfway through. Overall though I felt like the song was a bit too big for him, and didn't suit his style.
Danny Gokey- (Dream On/Aerosmith) The slight edge has to do with his duet performance, because this Dream On wasn't getting it done. The middle was good where he was yelling in his growly voice, but the beginning was a bit dreary and off-tone and then we have the end. What a time to break out your falsetto Danny. The Dream On scream is so iconic and ridiculously tough that when Michael Johns did a good job of it last year, it still was a disappointment. The Gokes' falsetto sream was weak and his final note made me cringe a bit.
By Default
Adam Lambert- (Whole Lotta Love/Led Zeppelin) This is both sad and pathetic for me, because I feel this was Adam's least impressive performance to date. He made hardly any changes to the song and the song itself doesn't give one much opporunity to shine. On the positive sign, he sounded just like Robert Plant. But copy cat hasn't been Ms. Lambert's game, and that's what I like so much about him. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Zeppelin fan, but Adam usually improves a song greatly, this wasn't really possible with Whole Lotta Love.
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