Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Teri Bauer Award- Worst Action Character

Named For: Teri Bauer (24)
Awarded To: The the character you love to hate in an action series
2009 Winner: Olivia Taylor (24)
2010 Winner: Skyler White (Breaking Bad)

Place. Nominee (Series) Points (My Vote)

10. Liam O'Neill (Sons of Anarchy) 1 point

9. Arthur Pendragon (Camelot) 1 point (5th)

8. Nelson Van Alden (Boardwalk Empire) 2 points

7. Moira Doherty (Persons Unknown) 3 points

6. Angel Batista (Dexter) 4 points

5. Tyler Evans (V) 5 points (4th)

4. Miles Fiedler (Rubicon) 6 points

3. Erika Taylor (Persons Unknown) 8 points (3rd)

2. Tara Thornton (True Blood) 12 points (1st)

and the Poolie goes to...

1. Sarah Linden (The Killing) 21 points (2nd)

This is Sarah Linden's first Poolie nomination, and first win for the character you love to hate in an action series.

We here at the Quiet Pool Perspective are proud to welcome Poolie voter Tyson, who has some awful things to say about Sarah Linden, Mireille Enos, and the people of The Killing.


Sarah Linden is a terrible character and an awful person.

She ignores her son, her fiancé, and her commitments in order to immerse herself in the Rosie Larsen case. Spoiler alert: she doesn’t figure out shit.

The whole show is just a colossal waste of time. Here is a comprehensive show summary: dead girl found, her family is sad, her dad goes to jail, the police think a couple people are the murderers but none of them are, and one of the cops is involved in some foul play.

I literally just described every single thing that happened in season one.

Now, a sane person would assume that this show would be cancelled. WRONG. Get ready for season 2 where Detective Linden will ignore her son while he’s in the hospital so she can track down 5 new suspects, all of whom happen to be members of the same Islamic Mosque.

Sorry I forgot to mention that one of the original suspects is a devout Muslim. He is also a kidnapper, but he only kidnaps 14 year old girls who are about to be neutered or something. You cannot make this stuff up.

Yet after everything mentioned above, The Killing received an 8.4 rating out of 10 according to IMDB. To put that in perspective, Lost received an 8.5 out of 10. Someone please explain this to me.

One final note: The actress who plays Detective Linden is Mormon. She is also married to Cameron from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. I have no idea what to do with this information, but I think it makes me like her less.

~ Written by Tyson Brazell


  1. Why on earth is this called the Teri Bauer award? She was the only female character I liked at the start of 24, besides Jamey (who doesn't count, for reasons anyone who's seen the show will know). She was resourceful, brave as hell and not at all annoying, and any viewers who "loved to hate" her character were not thinking clearly. This should be called the Kim Bauer award. Now there was an irritating waste of space if I've ever seen one.

    *breathes heavily* rant over. Lol.

  2. The Killing was a far better show than the vast majority of shows that receive high ratings, and have large viewership on TV.
    And every episode in which Teri Bauer had a line I wanted someone to punch her. Annoying.

  3. The Killing was a far better show than the vast majority of shows that receive high ratings, and have large viewership on TV.
    And every episode in which Teri Bauer had a line I wanted someone to punch her. Annoying.

  4. The character was bad to begin with. But then The person who played the character was also not a great actress , made it much worse
