Spoiler Alert...Below are the results and my thoughts on this week's episodes of Big Brother 13. Also, we'll take a look at how Mags', Jaydon's, Larry's and my teams are stacking up on the fantasy side of things. So before reading any further, watch the eps, keep it clean down there, then read what I have to say.
Yeah there was a lot of strategy in play, between Daniele's early moves and the rest of the veterans' obliviousness, but the most important thing to take out of this week of Big Brother was a trio of laughs.
The first two were by Big Brother contestants, and the third was by me. Every year there is a luxury competition where the winner gets to choose a few people to watch a movie with them. The big prize is that the movie usually has yet to be released. The downfall is that it is usually one of those terrible comedies that are never all that funny. Each and every season the houseguests are forced to laugh at the awful jokes so that CBS does a good job of promoting the new film.
This year they brought things to a whole new level, forcing the contestants to laugh their way through the series premiere of Same Name on CBS. If Jeff Schroeder thought that Same Name was funny enough to laugh out loud, then I am more ashamed of him than when later on in the week, he admitted that he had no idea why someone would want to eliminate him from the game. Of course he didn't though, because that show looks awful and terribly unfunny. But as it goes every season, these hamsters are forced to cackle at whatever is put in front of them. It's a sad truth.
The second laugh was another embarrassment for all of mankind. After eliminating Dominic from the house, if the rest of the contestants saw what he did out on the couch, they would have wanted to eliminate him all over again. Did he really just crack up at Lawon's goodbye message? Does he actually think that the dude's shtick is funny? Wow! If he does, I am even more excited that he is no longer on the show. Lawon is the worst, and everyone knows it...even his twin brother C.J. can't stand this guy. Shame on you Dominic.
Finally, the third laugh of the trio, was a true blue laugh out loud moment by yours truly. I'm not sure if it was her idea, but Jordan's execution of Rachel's catch phrase, "No one gets between me and my man," was without a doubt the funniest thing I've heard on this show in a while. What makes it so great is that Rachel has said it so many times that it has kind of started to be a parody of itself. Jordan, being so oblivious in general, realizes that this is the perfect opportunity to use it, which is ironic. Who would have thought she would have been so quick witted? Her gentle laugh following the delivery was the icing on the cake.
Jeff- "Why the f**k would she pull that card now?"
And now to face the music. My girl Daniele really blew it this week. She was set up in a perfect situation. Just like the other veterans were talking about in the HoH room, no one was mentioning her as a target. She was sliding by with no one on her tail. I understand that getting someone to play with in this game is key, but come on, you can't stick your neck out like that so early in this game! You start to make those ties with Dominic, but if he walks out the door, you hitch your trailer to the back of Shelly. You know she will be ready to buddy up in a split second.
Dominic- "I think we all suck at this game."
Yes, you all do, and that was the only redeemable line in Dominic's farewell speech. Boy did he stumble though that thing. Brendon and Rachel are awful, and they think are the only ones that can play. Honestly, I haven't seen a good Big Brother player since Dan Gheesling. Jeff, what is wrong with you? You don't understand why someone like Daniele would want to get you out of the house? First of all, why not? Secondly, you cannot trust anyone in this game? Someone coming after you should be expected, not surprising. And then to diminish her because she doesn't care about others' feelings? Gross. Comments like that make me want to throw up. This is a GAME. If I'm in that house, I'm going for the money, not to make friends. I have enough friends in this world, why would I need new ones?
The suckiest of them all this week? Dom himself for throwing another veto competition. This one came back to bite him, thankfully. Why are people doing this? You can't trust anyone, so even if you think you have the votes, you are never safe. You are safe when you take yourself off the block! When you get the chance you did it. Having said that, unless they did a weird editing job, Dom had no idea if he had the votes or not. He did not talk to a single newbie about the situation, so why did he think they'd keep him over Adam? Two of his original Regulators were already gone. Absolutely silly. Save yourself when you can. No excuse.
Until next week, let's take a look at the scores. Brendon becomes the first contestant to reach positive figures, continuing my team to its first place standing. Jaydon is still close behind, as Rachel reaches the big ZERO. Even though Dominic left the game with a whopping -110 points, Larry remains in third, with Mags bringing up the back end. Wow, what an auction value on Dom there? -90 to give you a total of -20 on the season. Nice work Lar.
Brendon -9: W3 (+4), Veto (+15)= 10
Lawon -17: W3 (+4)= -13
Adam -3: W3 (+4), Nom (-5), Votes (-4)= -8
Last Week at -29: Team total= -11
Jeff -22: W3 (+4)= -18
Rachel -19: W3 (+4), HoH (+15)= 0
Kalia -12: W3 (+4)= -8
Last Week at -53: Team total= -26
Jordan -37: W3 (+4), Luxury (+10)= -23
Shelly -47: W3 (+4)= -43
Dominic -77: Nom (-5), Votes (-28)= -110
Last Week at -161: Team total= -176
Daniele -37: W3 (+4)= -33
Porsche -58: W3 (+4)= -54
Last Week at -190: Team total= -182