Tuesday, March 9, 2010

American Idol- Four With a Chance

Tonight was a definite toss up for best performance. It was either MamaSox's electrifying Give Me One Reason or me going onto YouTube and watching Ruben's version of Smile after Paige Miles destroyed it to pieces. In the end I'd have to give it to Crystal Bowersox because she was actually on tonight's show. Her version of the Tracy Chapman song, and her ability to use an electric guitar to her advantage (unlike Casey last week) proved that she is the one to beat this season.

There are three others from tonight's top eight ladies that are still in the hunt this season. Lilly Scott, although took a bit of a step backward this week due to poor song choice, is still my runner-up on the female side of things. Though the Patsy Cline number I Fall to Pieces didn't allow her to showcase her true skills, she still kept me engaged because of her quirkiness and dare I say, artistry.

Siobhan Magnus and Didi Benami are right on her tail with better performances this week than last. The Barstool favorite belted out House of the Rising Sun and it was strides better than the Aretha number last time. She killed the a capella beginning! Didi, meanwhile, went back to her bread and butter, as her smooth stylings fit perfectly with Rhiannon.

So who are the two that deserve to stick around for the big stage and the Top 12? Katelyn Epperly and Katie Stevens. Although they both bored me this week, they have each proved that they have the chops to make a run at this thing in the future. Paige Miles and Lacey Brown, on the other hand, need to leave us this week. Paige for reasons stated at the beginning, and Lacey for putting me to sleep at 8:10 p.m. I thought that Lacey should've left the past two weeks. Here's hoping that the third time actually is the charm.


  1. bowersox is the favorite. but you and i both know, if each had a cd come out, didi's would be the one you'd most want to buy. would you ever listen to an artist like bowersox outside of idol, i dont think so.

  2. well if she covered CCR I would definitely listen to it, but you might have a point there. the other factor in this is that i picked MamaSox in round two of the fantasy draft so I have to be biased towards her.
