On the final day of competition, I increased my hustle in the field and on the basepath. This immediately made JJ go nuts because my team had already clinched a spot in the World Series. After pulling off the best defensive play of the year (faking the throw home to get Jayj to run to second and then tagging him), JJ threw his usual hissy fit, claiming that was such a garbage play. After giving his team the run, me and Bonz went on to win that game anyway and give the Sox a chance to catch the Mets and put them into a one game playoff. As our number of balls went down from six to two, the play became ridiculously tough, as a normal at bat is around ten to 15 pitches (with mine and Bonz's horrendous pitching). It got to the point where T-time was sitting down in the outfield during an at bat. In the second to last game of the season with my Yanks beating JJ's Mets, JJ struck out and slammed the bat against the ground, breaking it into two pieces. Because no store in the world sells these fantastic nerf bats that are regulation baseball size, the league had to end with the Yankees at the top of the standings and Big Tex leading the league in home runs. Pretty solid ending.

Red Sox..........2-3
Devil Rays.....1-4
Home Runs
Teixeira (Danny)- 12
Youkilis (Bonz)- 10
Beltran (JJ)- 7

Melky (Bonz)- 6
Crawford (T-time)- 4
Bay (JJ)- 4
Sheffield (Danny)- 4
Pena (Danny)- 4
ARod (JJ)- 4
Upton (Bonz)- 2
Cano (T-time)- 2
Lugo (T-time)- 2
Crawford (T-time)- 7
Beltran (JJ)- 2
Youkilis (Bonz)- 1
ARod (JJ)- 1
Lugo (T-time)- 1
Longoria (JJ)- 1

Putz (Danny)- 3-0
--2 strikeouts...1 blown save...1 complete game
Burnett (Bonz)- 2-0
--4 strikeouts...1 save...2 complete games
Hughes (Danny)- 2-0
--4 strikeouts...1 complete game
Smoltz (JJ)- 1-0
--1 complete game
Lester (Bonz)- 1-2
--3 strikeouts...1 complete game
Masterson (T-time)- 0-1
Shields (JJ)- 0-1
Joba (T-time)- 0-1
Santana (JJ)- 0-2
Price (T-time) 1-3
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