So The Boss tagged me via his blog about his ex-fighting pit bull found here. I figured I might get fired if I don't go along with this game of blog tag, so I will adhere to some of the rules stated above.
Because I don't feel comfortable coming up with seven interesting things about myself, I have decided to go double duty and share one interesting thing about 14 different people...
- Larry's favorite show on television right now is Gossip Girl.
- Jon the Bon is always hungry but never finishes his food.
- Tyson makes frequent trips to his Alma Mater to watch Benedict Arnold sing.
- Jayj wears fluffy socks year round.
- Braids gave up on the Wii after trying for 30 seconds.
- Jaydon spends 24 hours a day with the lights off and leaves the window open during the winter in NY.
- Bonz does a tremendous impression of Bruce Dickinson.
- T-time has an unbelievable idea for a new theme park resort area that will never come to fruition.
- Mags missed to basketball games at VC with an ankle because he jumped out of a second story window.
- Bird loves hanging out with security guards.
- Pack always has the best fantasy football seasons with the worst fantasy football teams.
- Buddens drinks out of the side of his mouth at all times.
- Lochness claims to be a fan of Lost and The Office, but never watches them.
- Rob is so nuts that I can't think of anything interesting to say about him that isn't completely inappropriate for this blog.
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