Private Practice will be in its second season this fall. It comes from the creator of Grey's Anatomy and has an ex-character from Grey's in Addison Montgomery-Shephard. Although she was my favorite female character on Grey's, she has definitely lost her likability by becoming the main character. Private practice doesn't compare to Grey's in drama aspect (a little doctors office isn't really a place for huge catastrophes like a full scale hospital is). Tim Daly (not the ex Scarborough/Northern Stars basketball player, but the guy from Wings) is the main bright point of the show. He's fantastic as the hippie doctor that likes Addison.

Dirty, Sexy, Money also survived its first season through the writer's strike. It's about a very wealthy and dysfunctional family living in NYC and the trouble they get their family attorney into. It definitely has an all-star cast: Jack Bauer's dad, the guy from Sports Night, one of the Baldwin brothers, Anna from O.C. and Matt from 90210. I feel like the plot from season one was all over the place and if season two is more concentrated in something I think this show could be great. Luci Liu joins the gang in season two after her Cashmere Mafia got axed.

Grey's Anatomy always seems to get lovers and haters. Here's my thing with Grey's...I don't understand how I enjoy it so much when I absolutely hate so many of the characters. I can not stand any of the following and want to strangle all of them when they do anything: George, Izzie, Yang, Meredith, Callie, Hahn and Lexie. That being said, the McDreamy/McSteamy interaction more than makes up for the wanting to kill myself from listening to Izzie's rants. Seriously (i had to do it) though, McDreamy, McSteamy, Chief and Karev (sometimes) are a combination I would go to bat with as the best guy characters on tv. Add to the mix Kevin McKidd from Rome and Journeyman and season 5 should be one of the best.

Desperate Housewives is now in season 5 as well and they are skipping ahead five years this fall. I never really know how I feel about things like that. It's a pretty bold move on their part and hopefully it pays off. I've really been down on DH since season 1. It has lost its mysterious side that it had at the beginning and is dealing too much with stupid little problems. They definitely need to bring some better guy characters on this show, because the chicks aren't cutting it.

Brothers and Sisters doesn't really have anything that makes it stand out, but except for maybe Grey's this is my favorite show out of these five. It's again about a really rich family, but this time in California. The father of the fam dies in the first episode and leaves everyone else picking up little pieces of his life along the way. Many secrets about his past come out, ep by ep. Rob Lowe as Ally McBeal's politician of a husband is great and Emily VanCamp as the father's fake love child is ridiculously cute and should get many more jobs in the future. Balthazar Getty's antics this summer with Sienna Miller might help bring more viewers to Bros and Sis but I will be sad to see Stephen Weber leave the show.
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