I don't know why most people watch Big Brother, but I watch it to see people screw each other over. That being said, I haven't seen much of that this season. There has been way too much of everyone going along with what the head of household wants. I can only remember one legitimate time when the house voted against what the hoh wanted and that was when april was hoh. But that was still pretty standard for last season Big Brother.
But tonight's episode and the build up of the past couple of episodes was truly amazing. Dan, who has been my favorite since Brian left in week one, was in the final two of the hoh competition with Ollie. As usual, they began talking about making a deal, so Dan decided to make a deal that was totally ridiculous. He said if Ollie let him win, he would let Ollie be safe, save another person, pick one of the nominees and then pick who gets put up after the Power of Veto is used. This is the worst deal ever made, and Dan knew that (again wanting to make himself look like a bad player).
So Dan did the first parts of the deal, keeping Ollie and Michelle safe and then putting up Memphis, his alliance member. After Memphis won the POV and took himself off the block, Dan screwed his deal with Ollie by putting Michelle on the block to take Memphis's place. He caused a lot of fireworks in the process...it was the best episode of Big Brother I've seen in the past two seasons.
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