With American Idol I dragged through the audition episodes, and per the usual, they were sub-par. I realize there are many people out there that find joy in watching terrible people attempt to sing while Simon tells them what they already know. I, on the other hand, merely sit through this to get to the fun of Hollywood week, semi-finals and finals. Once we've gotten to the actual performances, this season has gotten back on an upward swing. I feel Idol has gone down hill ever since its peak in Season 2. The talent in this year's season has the depth to be compared to season 2, but has nowhere near the big guns (Ruben, Clay, Kimberly Locke, Trenyce). I feel like America is doing a great job with eliminations. With the exception of letting Amanda Overmeyer stay way too long, I haven't had any problems with who has gone home.
Of the remaining nine contestants, here is my order of who I would vote to win this year's competition (this is not only on talent, but who I like).
9. Carly Smithson- Her ginormous tattoo on her arm is hideous and I can't stand how she thinks she's so good.

8. Kristy Lee Cook (right)- The only thing she has sang that has been good was the three times she sang Amazing Grace. She definitely is on of the cutest contestants ever on Idol, but she shouldn't make it much further.
7. Ramielle Maluby- Although she has great behind the scenes interviews, comedy will only get my vote for so long. She doesn't choose the right songs to showcase her booming voice.
6. Jason Castro- Now even though he is my favorite contestant on the show, I have to leave him here because of his lack of effort on the show so far. I love this attitude in general but when you get this far, you have to spend a lot more time picking perfect songs and recently he has not done this.
5. Syesha Marcado- Her singing voice is very good and this has been shown over the past two weeks. I realize she actually won't make it this far because she has been in the bottom three repeatedly and will probably go home soon.
4. Brooke White- I think her style of singing is very original for Idol and it will get her far in the industry. She is not as powerful as others but playing the piano really helps her.
3. David Archuletta- Although he has been known as the front runner for quite some time now, I think his act is gonna run old in a little while. He can get a bit showtuney at times, and the novelty of him being young will run out soon.
2. Michael Johns- The judges haven't loved him, but I sure have. His two Beatles performances flew under the radar but were fantastic. He has a great voice and could be a fantastic front man and shows it on that stage week after week.
1. David Cook- Creativity helps you in this show. He has been the most creative and has a great rock voice. I'm not saying he's incredibly original like the judges do, because most of his song choices are versions someone else has already done (Chris Cornell's 'Billy Jean'). He is the best performer and should win this year's American Idol until someone else proves to me otherwise.