Performers of the Week
1. Jack Donaghy-
30 Rock (16 total)
2. Danny McCoy-
Las Vegas (35 total)
3. Mark Sloan-
Grey's Anatomy (17 total)
4. Tracy Jordan- 30 Rock (18 total)
5. Eric Taylor- Friday Night Lights (6 total)
6. Mike Cannon- Las Vegas (18 total)
7. Michael Scott- The Office (17 total)
8. Orson Hodge- Desperate Housewives (3 total)
9. Nathan Petrelli- Heroes (2 total)
10. Dan Vasser- Journeyman (2 total)
10/27 Power Rankings
1. Heroes (1)
The best and worst Heroes scenes of the season happened to be in this week's ep. The best being Nathan and Parkman getting trapped in the Nightmare Man's dream sequence. The worst, as I assume you can all guess, was having to look at Micah's Stunner-esque grin as he watched his cousin skipping rope. I wanted to slap him in the face. If Parkman's dad ends up being the one who is killing off the others I will be a little disappointed. It is too obvious at this point. The best option is for Mr. Petrelli to not be dead and he is the killer.
2. Lost (2)
3. Las Vegas (3)
If you watch this show and don't wish that Danny McCoy was your best friend then, as JJ would say, you got problems. The dynamic between Danny and Mike makes every one of there scenes together amazing. As I was watching this ep the second time through I realized how strange it was that I hadn't though about Ed not being in the show forever and that I didn't miss him very much.
4. The Office (4)
Kind of a down ep but that is probably because it was only 30 minutes. I have no idea why Michael's commercial wasn't used. It was much, much better than the one the ad guys came up with. The only problem with Michael's was that they didn't incorporate the wonderful song by Darrell, Creed, Andy and Kevin.
5. 30 Rock (6)
Jack and Tracy were both very good this week. Jack's impersonations of Tracy's parents, Tracy's mom's boyfriend and the mexican lady might have been one of the funniest scenes on tv this year. There were also some great Michael Vick references which is always a good way to get laughs.
6. Grey's Anatomy (5)
7. 24 (8)
24 had to move up at least one spot this week because of the fact that they are bringing Tony Almeida back for this upcoming season. Tony was always my favorite on 24 and when he apparently died by a needle stabbing I question whether he was actually dead. Going from the recent promotions, he is back and apparently a bad guy. Gotta love it.
8. Friday Night Lights (7)
9. Entourage (9)
10. House (10)
Not enjoying the fact that Foreman, Chase and Cameron are weaseling themselves more airtime recently. I'd much rather get to know Kumar and 13. I'm so sick of Foreman, I wish he stayed at Mercy.
11. Curb Your Enthusiasm (11)
12. Back to You (12)
You know, the World Series is really a detriment to television. I was looking forward to Back to You this week, but no, I have to watch the Red Sox, ugg.
13. Journeyman (13)
Best part of this show so far was when Journeyman's kid found out what his dad can do. On a different note, I love when he journey's back to the 70's because they get to use great music. When Shelter from the Storm came on when Journeyman was uniting Captain Richy with his Cambodian friend I got chills.
14. American Idol (14)
15. Chuck (15)
16. Dirty, Sexy, Money (19)
17. Rules of Engagement (17)
18. Desperate Housewives (18)
19. Scrubs (-)
Premier of Scrubs was good. In the past I didn't like the comedy of Scrubs but it's growing on me. If only I didn't dislike Zach Braff so much, it could be a really good show.
20. Family Guy (16)
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